Weight Control

Control your appetite and lose weight through acupuncture and Chinese herbs; the healthy way to lose those unwanted pounds!
Our therapies of acupuncture, auricular acupuncture (FAQ/What is auricular acupuncture?), ear seeds (FAQ/What are ear seeds?), Chinese herbs, and digestive enzymes (to ensure the proper breakdown of food) will help speed up metabolism, increase digestive efficiency, reduce food cravings, and help with the stress of sugar withdrawals to allow you to lose your weight and keep it off.
One herbal combination Dr. Piís patients have found to work successfully is E.Z. Shaper. This amazing, natural formula helps curb the appetite and helps to prevent giving in to cravings and so reduces calorie intake while sustaining energy levels without negative side effects. E.Z. Shaper targets areas such as the neck, abdomen, waist, and hips.